Integrated Design of Environmentally-friendly Aerospace Systems Laboratory

Computational systems design and optimization for next-generation aircraft and propulsion concepts.


The IDEAS Lab is a research group within the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Michigan. We develop advanced computational methods for the design and optimization of next-generation aerospace systems, with a focus on future aircraft concepts and propulsion architectures. Our research integrates physics-based modeling, data-driven methods, and systems engineering principles to enhance efficiency, performance, and operational capability. We specialize in computational systems design and optimization, advanced propulsion architectures and energy systems, system-level trade studies, and model-based systems engineering to enable mission-viable aerospace solutions. Read more about our research here.
Dr. Gökçin Çınar (goeck-chin chin-r) is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan and the Director of the IDEAS Laboratory. Her research focuses on developing computational tools and methods for complex systems design, integration, and optimization, enabling a systems-level approach to quantify cost, efficiency, and performance trade-offs in future aircraft concepts and operations. She is the recipient of the 2025 AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award and the 2024 SARES Young Scientist Award for her decade-long contributions to electrified aircraft design and optimization. She also serves as the Chair of the AIAA Electric Aircraft Technologies Technical Committee. Learn more about Gökçin...